Monday, February 23, 2009

1. Create a blog post in which you answer the following questions. You can adress each question separately or holistically in program format .

a. Spell check

b. Include an image that connects with your comments.

i. What does it mean to live sustainably?

It means being responsible; dedicated; having good judjement and making the right


ii. How much freedom and independence do you have as a 14-16 year old in our society?

I have the freedom and the right to express myself and to dress the way I want.
I appreciate my freedom because when I lived in Eritrea, the people didn't have the
rights we do. Especially women dont have the right to preserve their body from mutilation.

iii. As a 14-16 year old how can you currently live your life more sustainably?

I'm making an effort to get a good education and making good choices and trying to be

healthy too.

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